
Daddy God not only loves you but He likes you too.  The simple truth is that Daddy don't make trash. You are an extension of His perfection which is never to be confused with a subservient representation of His reputation. He is the giver of good and cannot give bad things.  That means all psychological, …

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my mom in male form

Something about that dynamic between two people, where one executes all of the power through maltreatment of the other, didn't fit for me anymore as an adult. It just feels mean and creates fear in me because I can't be myself around him.  Here I am again, disturbed as soon as he left because I …

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Tribal tenderness twisted terminology

God can’t produce a bad situation in hopes of twisting our arm to look toward Him for relief. I have sincere compassion for the gay community but don’t condone it, however I never use Jesus as an argument either. I have worked with numerous teens who struggle with gender identity issues and have witnessed them …

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Denying the abundance available

I don’t know if that’s possible in America where popping pills is the new money making anecdote and the rise of psychiatric hospital exams indicate that many people feel vulnerable to someone else in authority, to tell them who they really are.  Nobody stable was able to shower them with love and acceptance from a …

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God don’t make Garbage

I always say, “God don’t make trash” which means he doesn’t give the birth defects, the autism, the gay gene, the vehement temper, the addiction, anxiety disorders, depression or disease we suffer with, because we are knit together perfectly in our mothers womb. And every single one of us shot out of a woman's womb.  …

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Shaming the scapegoat into secrecy

Too often, like in cases like mine, my abuser deeply wounded me within and I questioned why God put me in a family where betrayal was the norm. The act of trauma was a layer upon the already existing unwantedness in the womb, and my unbelief in authority figures and God felt like the same …

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