Declaring our brain can re-wire

I’m going to get down to the science of it all and speak to my mind, soul and heart which houses multiple parts, so I can get comfortable in my skin and my surroundings. For all the ways in which I have taken in negative messages through my senses, and have suffered physiologically, emotionally, and physically, I am going to proclaim specific healing where my entire internal family system is struggling the most. After-all, scientific research has proven that trauma reshapes the brain and how it communicates with the rest of our body. For those of us who have lived through childhoods that conditioned us to survive adverse effects, we can heal and will do so to the degree we change our atmosphere and support system. It is brave to separate from those who were part of injuring our mental health and to find others who are gentle with us during recovery from the inside out.

I declare that my autonomic nervous system will align with heaven, where my window of tolerance is optimal. I trust that calm arousal will balance out the hyper states of fight or flight and hypo states of freeze and collapse so I can regulate my hypothalamus and pituitary, as well as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. I speak to my nervous system and the vagus nerve, and I remind them that physiological homeostasis is their right as a child of God. I decree that my body temperature, thirst, hunger levels, emotions, and sleep, are regulated to reduce my pain levels and perceptions both physically and mentally.

Praise and glory to my healer and redeemer for this personal help, revelation, and application. May my sympathetic nervous system lower the stress response and decrease my adrenal cortisol levels so that my immune system, bones, organs, ligaments, and muscles can be strengthened and function at optimal levels. Where every assault has come against my body and hurt my ability to bounce back mentally and physically I look up towards the heavens, and I ask for grounding to keep me close to the Earth. Return my tolerance to peace especially where ongoing states of hyper arousal have activated sensory issues with noise and distraction. I long for all remnants of PTSD, anxiety and depression to dissipate.

Neuroplasticity can exchange negative pathways for positive ones because it is my right as a child of God to be transformed. Ventral vagal calm is my right. Mobility and agility is my right. Pain-free days and ease of transition according to the Holy Spirits lead is my right. Forgiveness for myself is my right. Forgiveness for others is my right. Parts that have been exiled due to fear of punishment, fear of disappointment and fear of hope have a right to exchange their negative role for sustainable joy. Every cell and every impression on my body that has kept the score and manifested with phantom pain, confusion and the abandonment of my self I declare is stepping into the essence of freedom that is my right. It is my right as a child of God to prosper in my health to be a sign and a wonder on this earth, and to run and not grow weary. Wholeness is my right.

I remind myself to stand firm on the foundation of my faith, knowing that my creator founded science and all that it has offered us. I expect to learn more about how my thoughts, inward parts, and choices can align with heaven, and bring the frequency of its vibration through my body as a conduit to others.


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