
Intertwining thoughts

Lord God bring greater peace and the ability to hear your voice clearly, open the secret treasures to me, and bring me the rich inheritance that you gave me in a dream as a child, renew my strength so I can grasp and hold onto those beginning deposits of my destiny. Make my calling more …

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Declaring our brain can re-wire

I’m going to get down to the science of it all and speak to my mind, soul and heart which houses multiple parts, so I can get comfortable in my skin and my surroundings. For all the ways in which I have taken in negative messages through my senses, and have suffered physiologically, emotionally, and …

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Repetition Compulsion in Relationships

In seeing that I was failing miserably in my closest relationship I began reading up on cognitive distortions.  Repetition Compulsion is a distortion in thinking that seeks comfort in the familiar which is the desire to return to an earlier state of things even if the thought or pattern was destructive.  This cycle has been …

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Therapy for the sinful parts

Psychologically feeding the needs of readers through the written word. I have crossed state lines and country borders to study family and human behavior in hopes of healing my own complex trauma. Without fear of using my own stories and experiences to highlight the topics that most choose to deny, my journey of healing has …

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What denominates commonality?

Stop and think before you label yourself as being the “common denominator” in most situations. Instead, ask yourself, “am I outnumbered by people who don’t really get me?” More often than not, we try to explain ourselves to people who frustrate us because deep down, we know they aren’t really listening to our heart. You …

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Slowly sobering up

sobriety #cleansing #letgo #washaway #forgiveness #wholeness #transformation #sobergirl #sober #soberlife #boundaries #nomore #codependency #recovery #transparency #self #partsunknown #parts #faith #accountability #nomorelies #influencer #traumasurvivor #childhoodabusesurvivor #memories #ifstherapy Part by part came forward over the past two years to reveal why they looked forward to a glass of wine to unwind each night. I had to listen, …

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Reputation of hypocrisy or dismissal?

Christianity has basically become a cuss word,  I won’t even use it to describe myself,  I just say ‘Jesus follower’ and keep it that because most people should be offended when told that the way they live their life is wrong in comparison to the next guy. This common complaint among church is huge and …

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Who are you?

Who are you? I was asked this question when I started volunteering with a ministry over 13 years ago.  I responded with personality traits and characteristics that I felt were godly. With each answer that I gave, they kept asking me the same question, “who are you”?  After about 15 times I was getting frustrated and finally …

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Creating a Crafted Prayer

I believe a lot of what the church has taught us about prayer has left us powerless and exhausted. I have witnessed and heard many leaders indicate burnout in these years since Covid, because they have lost sight of the supernatural power of intercession that comes with joy.  If it has become an obligation, it is …

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