Parts that hold bitter-root judgments

This explains how we will connect to our emotional parts within our Internal Family System to receive prayer when we are facing long standing bitterness or offense.  On one hand forgive the person for what did or did not do. On the other hand forgive yourself for hating and judging them To incorporate the healing …

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Strange omits secrects

carry the anointing wherever you go and you won’t have to scare people into salvation through the message of damnation. Be real, be kind and be authentic because the world will always know a fake. Scripture shaming and professing doesn’t mean you are “right living”, in fact it means you are hiding something. Accountability and …

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Spirit of government

Friends, Biden and Trump are friends, their kids have gone to schools that our kids can't go to, they are guaranteed jobs that we will never be in the running for and they are part of the plan to cause dissension. They have been given legal right from spiritual assignments to deceive the public.  The …

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Liberty on Father’s Day

I grew up on 1810 Liberty Rd and received the scripture Matt 18:10 about three years ago when I was reconciling my heart to my Father in heaven and my earthly one. These truths can break down damage done in childhood but only when inner healing takes place. Much of my own journey has utilized …

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Life’s fabricated freedom

Dreams are meant to direct our paths not invite corruption or become scandalous nightmares.  Shows like "Falling Waters" that have demonized dreams, are running with all types of bogus messages because most Christians are powerless when discerning the meaning of them.  If believers can't interpret dreams for the sake of applying hope and understanding, you …

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Feeding what leads to well-being

  I am secretly envious of those who have never suffered with trauma and the subsequent pains that manifest from it because all unknown symptoms relate to the suggestion of satan who reminds us of memories endured.  And so the eyes close and the throat tightens and I plan into the future and then plan …

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Fitness model exercises wholeness steps

To walk out a life of wholeness, one would first have to know what one wants out of life.  Some people don't want to know why they suffer because they are afraid of uncovering something big that would stir up even more chaos.  I have never been such a person, usually I use chaos as …

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To infinity and Beyond Salvation

Since people are asking about the religious spirit and deliverance, I feel this is timely.


I used to doubt my ability to heal the pain in people’s lives when I knew they were influenced by an evil spiritual force.  I attracted witches, cult members, fairies, those practicing new age, hitch hikers, addicts, criminals, prostitutes, mobsters, strippers, vagabonds, abusers, trans gender’s, religious zealots, petifiles, innocent people lured by secret societies and Americans who believed yoga was nothing more than a form of exercise.  My fear in the power of satan to keep these people deceived was greater than my faith in Daddy to use me for their deliverance.  I knew the basis for most denominational and organizational control was the religious spirit, I just didn’t realize that I was sitting under it.  So when I brought these people I attracted to church with me because their troubles were out of my league to handle, I assumed those who bragged about supernatural power would be able to…

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Laws of deception, attracting the wrong mate.

It is best described as a rubber band which gets held out and suspended for a long period of time.  With time the elasticity weakens and the shape cannot bounce back due to dry-rotting and cracking.  If left held out too long, the rubber band eventually snaps. What is left has to redefine itself another …

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