Global Awakening Minister License

This is a vague overshadow of experience that introduced me to Jesus 16 years ago.  May as well tell it like it was.  My, how time has flown. 

Testimony: Angie Andrews

I always say that I need Jesus more than the average Christian.  I have a lot in my past to overcome and since the day of my salvation, Jesus and I have been co-laboring to heal it.  I was an unwanted child born to a rageful father and an alcoholic mother.  Fear set in and ruled my life from as early as I can remember.  I had many manifestations from my abuse that included nosebleeds, hives, bruising, weak ankles, IBS, depression, suicide attempts, migraines, panic attacks, dissociation, chronic pain, PTSD, an eating disorder and nerve hypersensitivity that stemmed from both physical and sexual abuse that I endued from my father.  These ailments plagued me my whole life and caused me to fundamentally believe something was wrong with me and that God hated me for allowing these things to happen to me.  My brother overdosed on heroin and died and I screamed out to God, “If you’re real, you better prove yourself to me!”

I did not understand the predisposition to promiscuity that sexual abuse causes; I just know that I lived it.  At the age of 19 I was living with a boyfriend during college breaks because my parents had kicked me out when I was 15.  He introduced me to the adult night life and suggested I become a stripper so I could support his porn addiction.  I needed to feel loved so I did whatever was asked of me for that love. Eventually I was a part of a secretive escort service run out of the club and involved in full-time prostitution.  One night his aunt called me up and said she was going home to Jesus and that she wanted to say goodbye to me.  I couldn’t believe God would talk to anyone because I was Catholic and thought God hated me, I was jealous of her closeness to Him and curious at the same time.  On her deathbed she forgave her husband for cheating on her and told me to make sure I got “saved” before leaving this earth.  She died. 

The funeral was happy with people dancing and the preacher saying, “thank Jesus she was saved”.  There was that word again, saved.  I started going to different churches every Sunday before bikini contests.  After about three months I stopped into a nasty decrepit restaurant following a church service and saw my step dad there with his first wife and grown children whom my mother had forbade him to see for 13 years while they were married.  I asked him how this miracle occurred and he said, “I got saved.”  I asked him to explain to me what that meant.  He invited me to his church.  I went the following Sunday and sat in the back row and saw the same happiness in those people that I had seen in the people at the funeral.  I kept going.

On July 12, 1998 the preacher said, “If you’ve given everything else a try, why not try Jesus.”  I accepted Jesus and that Friday joined the evangelism team and went out on the streets, I thought that’s what all Christians did.  I was so on fire that the preacher’s wife told me, “you’ll calm down eventually, it doesn’t stay like this.”  I remember thinking, “why wouldn’t I grow more on fire with each passing year as I get to know Him more?”  This began my seeking Jesus for mind renewal.  A couple came along side of me and started prayer ministry called theophostic that greatly transformed my life.  I looked back on my childhood where lies were rooted and I heard Jesus speak His truth to them.  The very memories where my abuse occurred and held great pain became my source of joy because I could see Jesus in them.  My exuberance and enthusiasm for the Lord did in fact annoy the pastor’s at that church where I got saved.  I got married and moved to another church where I led the youth into miracles, signs and wonders all because I was reading Todd Bentley’s book, “Journey into the Miraculous.”  I did not know what words of knowledge or prophecy were at the time of this mission’s trip, but I was exercising them in great capacity, and it scared the leadership.   When I returned home they told me to keep quiet about the miracles we witnessed.  I said, “I won’t say a thing, but the kids can’t keep quiet.”  They said they didn’t want anything more than salvation.

My then-husband and I reunited with the couple who was still doing theophostic at their church affiliated with Global Awakening.  It was a perfect fit, I was encouraged to hear from God and move out in all the gifts of the spirit.  It was in fact too much for my husband and he walked away.  I waited two years for his return to me and to Jesus while I grew in my understanding that God did not allow my sicknesses to teach me a lesson or use my mistakes to punish me.  My new headship grew me up with deeper understanding in a loving Father who wants me to be known as a daughter who overcomes.  I have overcome much.  I know longer struggle with identity or my fervency to see the Kingdom of Heaven manifest on earth.

I now continue the practice of theophostic so I can bring others into the presence of Jesus.  It is my heart to rescue those who are bound to the sex industry and wounds from abuse.  I know I was born with an evangelistic and healing call from birth and that I was never intended to walk in the sin of adult nightlife, but I know I can go back and minister there because of what I lived through.  I intend to keep growing more in love with Jesus with each passing day and with each passing year, just as I felt from my day of salvation.  I intend to see the dead raised.  I want to bring all those who I come into contact with to know that Jesus can set them free from both emotional and physical bondage because if He could do it for me, for He can do it for them!




2 thoughts on “Global Awakening Minister License

  1. Mandy Babineaux

    You could have written my story, though I have been sexually anorexic.. A middle aged women living as a punished little girl One that feels trapped in a body tormented by her past, laced in shame, self hatred, physical pain, uti’s, and a desire to go home daily.. How do I move past this, it feels all consuming & overwhelming, what’s my part ? Can’t God move mountains? Yet instead is silent, as I scream for healing. I scream to return to Egypt, it was better than this.. Thank you for your words..

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. My heart breaks for those of us who were ripped off of a childhood founded on innocence and love. I am interceding for you, precious one whom Daddy loves. It is ok to ask Him where He is at, where He has been and how He will stop the pain. Imagine yourself before the throne of Heaven with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit and state your case, rap sheet, of injustices that you have endured and how abuse has plagued areas of your life. Admit your not knowing how to heal yourself but demand that they rightfully accuse satan and darkness for what has hurt you. Lay all of it on the throne and ask justice to be served on your behalf. Invite Holy Spirit to saturate your childhood wounds where lies reside. You can ask this 50 times a day if you need too. Yes, Daddy loves us but He also fights for us. Understanding that He is just as pissed off as you are for what you have endured will help you see Him as a warrior for your healing. I stand with you for your ultimate freedom. You will have it in Jesus name!


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